Monday, February 15, 2010

Keep Haiti in your hearts and minds

As the initial shock has subsided following the awful tragedy in Haiti, we cannot let the plight of the Haitians to begin to rebuild and recover their lives be forgotten.

I found this blog through the Foreign Policy Association's Facebook page:

It gives a heart-wrenching account of what people are going through there.

An excerpt:

"There’s a man that drives every day- away from his current [metal] sheet motel to his crushed home. He sits in front of the concrete pieces, as they lay there crumbled on top of each other. Haitian dreams reduced to rubble. Below the wreckage lie his wife and 5 children. Perhaps they are still alive whimpering. Perhaps they are dead and bloated. Regardless, at this point, they are part of the wreckage and statistics that makeup this faulted land. He has no idea what else to do… where do you start with a broken heart, a broken home, a broken country and soon a forgotten disaster not exciting enough to be covered on CNN or recent enough to receive donations. For him, the start is going back to where it ended and staring at ruins till nightfall prevents it."

Traveling around Asia, I've had experiences and seen things that make me feel so fortunate to have been born into the circumstances that I was. I am constantly reminded that I cannot take anything in life for granted. Realize that if you're reading this blog, you can afford to buy a computer (a luxury item), amongst many, many other things that a lot of people cannot afford or do not have access to. Be thankful for that.

I'm off to Kuala Lumpur in three hours. Bon voyage.


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